Thursday, June 11, 2009

UFO encounters keep the belief

about 17 years ago Ms Haden still remebers the flying object that she had encounterd with. She was in her car when she seen an orange light that started to follow her. She bounced up and ran out the car. " was a “big craft”, about 30-foot-long with no wings or a tail" siad Ms Haden. miss Haden has been in the air force so she notice that it was somthing she never saw befor.all she could see was a big shape comming down right at her. when it got close it just went this day she tells poeple about her encounter. Ms Haden is now in a Ipswich UFO group. If Ms Haden could see alien air craft so can us so be for a look out.


Look out everybody the alines are on the big screen this summer. Director John Schultz makes a movie where kids in a thier summer house discover the attic to have alines that are trying to take over the world. So now the kids have to save thier parents befor midnite. Aliens in the attic comes out july 31

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


two young boy were playin wit shovels making holes. while the boys were digging a small aircraft startled them. They notice that it was a small triangular airraft witched made no noise.The boys notice that that aircraft waz trying to play with them. Befor they could see wut els it wanted the boys ran home. What was this aircraft? where did it came frome ? what would you do if u seen a aircraft not even an inch away from you?

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

area 51

Area 51 is a military base that is located in the southern area of Nevada western of United States. This base is used for testing aircraft and weapons and other unsloved mysteries that the public will mostlikely never know. April 1955 area 51 also known as Groom Lake was chosen as a test site. July 1955 area 51 was finished and the first U-2 was shipped on july 23. The government to this day is still denieng that area 51 does not exist but peopl think other wise